
On April 11, 2017, I began the processes of switching out my old RavenNuke CMS ver 2.5.1 (circa 2005) , for a brand new WordPress 4.7.3 on codyg.ca.   The surprising thing was that the old CMS has lasted this long.  I loved that procedural php!  However, this has been a WP banner year for me, with more than a half dozen new sites since Christmas.  I’m on a roll.

Over the next few weeks, I will finesse. I will add old and new content, fixi tyles, and create some new galleries.  When revisiting a page, depending on your browser settings, do make full use of your refresh button. After the rebuild is complete the plan is to test a few homegrown plugins.  Stay tuned.

And, as always, I give candy for bug identifications.

Hugs all round,

Catherin (Cody) Gregory