Look up to the stars, to the horizon of our next human adventure.
Eugene Merle Shoemaker
Gene Shoemaker at his office in Flagstaff, Arizona
Gene Shoemaker
The impact of comets has profoundly influenced the story of life.” — Gene Shoemaker
“Every time a giant comet strikes the Earth, the dice of evolution are thrown again.” David Levy, Comets: Creators and Destroyers;Touchstone Books. 1998
1969 – Caltech where he began the search for Earth-crossing asteroids and where he advanced the idea that sudden geologic changes can arise from asteroid strikes and that asteroid strikes are common over geologic time periods.
October 17, 1974 – E. F. Helin discovers a minor planet and names it 2074 Shoemaker.
1993 – Co-discovered Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 using the 18″ Schmidt camera at Palomar Observatory. This comet was unique in that it provided the first opportunity for scientists to observe the planetary impact of a comet. Shoemaker–Levy 9 collided with Jupiter in 1994.
18 July 1997 – A road accident near Alice Springs ends the
life of Eugene M. Shoemaker, the 20th century’s greatest planetary
geologist. Coroner’s Report
06 Jan 1998 – Aboard an Athena rocket “Lunar
Prospector” is launched to the Moon carrying a small amount of Gene’s
cremains. It’s mission: to map the moon for elements. It’s discovery:
confirmation of water/ice in craters at the lunar poles.
31 July 1999 – Impact of “Lunar Prospector”
occurred at 09:52:02 GMT, 02:52am Pacific Daylight Time.
Artist Concept: Near Shoemaker at Eros
February 2000 – The Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous space probe to asteroid 433 Eros was renamed “NEAR Shoemaker” in his honor. After a year of orbital study, it landed on the asteroid.